Concussion Clinic Collingwood

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For decades, medical professionals have told concussed individuals to rest, avoid bright lights, and limit activity until asymptomatic. But emerging science recommends avoiding rest beyond 3 days, and participating in active treatments which help to rehabilitate the brain, prevent mental health issues, and eliminate long-term consequences. A research article in “Pediatrics”, Feb 2015, reported concussed adolescents had more symptoms and slower symptom resolution with strict rest compared to those who had an active recovery.

At Maximum by Body ‘n Balance Physio, we take a proactive approach to concussions by getting you or your child into the clinic for a pre-concussion baseline test. In the event that you do suffer a concussion, having baseline scores to compare to help to take the guesswork out of the return to work/school/activity decision. Getting your bell rung is no joke.

If you have a concussion, we offer a FOUR-STEP Concussion Care Plan:

1) The Assessment

  • SCAT 5 – symptoms, memory
  • Co-ordination, reaction time, balance, gait testing
  • Visual, vestibular and cognitive function testing
  • Oculomotor testing
  • Musculoskeletal exam
  • Neurological exam

2) Immediate Management

3) Return to Learn/Work

  • Individual plans to modify school/work programs/activities
  • Pacing and planning strategies
  • Co-ordination with teachers/admin for appropriate learning/work environment

4) Return to Play

  • Individual stepwise protocol
  • Progression from low to high exertion
  • Progression from non–contact to full contact (with appropriate sports)
  • Sport-specific component
  • Cognitive/vestibular exertion testing
  • Communication and coordination with doctors/coaches for updates and medical clearance


Concussion Diagnosis and Treatment:

A concussion can be difficult to diagnose because the signs and symptoms may be subtle and easily overlooked. Athletes may minimize or not recognize the signs and symptoms of a concussion and, therefore, may not seek medical attention. Suspected concussions have to be taken seriously. A concussion results from a traumatic impact which disrupts and causes damage to the brain. It is not always a direct blow to the head; this can happen from a number of types of impact, ranging from a rough shoulder check to whiplash.

If an individual returns to activity too soon, it can be potentially dangerous. The second time around, it doesn’t take as hard a hit to cause symptoms, the symptoms are more severe, recovery takes longer, and full recovery is less likely. Many coaches, parents and athletes do not realize that days or weeks may be needed before a return to activity is recommended.

Second impact syndrome is a rare but serious condition in which a second concussion occurs before a first concussion has properly healed, causing rapid and severe brain swelling and often catastrophic results. The second-impact syndrome can result from even a very mild concussion that occurs days or weeks after the initial concussion.

In order to prevent returning to activity prematurely, and risking a subsequent concussion, all athletes involved in a sport where collision is a possibility, should have pre-injury “baseline” testing done. This testing includes balance, coordination, vision, cognition, memory, comprehension, and recognition. Following a concussive injury, athletes can be re-tested. Re-test scores are compared to their own baseline results to determine any deficits present. Post-concussion testing assists in the difficult decision of returning to play safely, reducing the risk of another head injury.

There are many tests for concussions on the market today, but it is important that multiple areas are tested to cover all the facets of physical and cognitive function. Comprehensive treatment for a concussion helps to speed up the process of a safe return to work, school and activity.

Statistics do not need to be as high as they are for multiple concussions from sports. Relying on concussion testing guidelines for return to play can help prevent unnecessary traumatic brain injury.

About Concussion Management In Collingwood:

  1. REST – For the first 2 days: 
  • Stay home from school and work
  • Do not need to rest in a dark room
  • Limit screen time: texting, TV, phones, video games – to 5 min/hour
  1. SLEEP – get plenty of rest and nap (in the first 2 days only)
  • Go to bed and rise at a regular time
  • Use the bedroom only for sleeping
  • No electronics in the bedroom at night (computers, digital clocks, phones)
  1. MEDICINE – avoid all if possible!! Do not take ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) or aspirin for headaches as they may increase bleeding. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is fine.
  2. FUEL – drink lots of water, and follow a “brain recovery diet” (ask for ours!)
  3. ROUTINE – establish and maintain. Sleep, meals, study (as tolerated)
  4. LIGHT – If very sensitive to light, wear a hat and sunglasses when outside, and inside for fluorescent lights and screens- but slowly wean away from the protection
  5. NOISE – avoid noisy loud environments like arenas, music classes, gym
  6. SCHOOL/WORK – may need to take time off school/work initially. A progressive “Return to Learn/Work” program should be followed (ask us!)
  7. EXERCISE – avoid activity with contact or impact initially. The brain is prone to be re-injured before it is fully healed from the first injury. Can go for easy walks for up to 40 min a day. Follow a progressive “Return to Play” protocol (we have one, of course!)


Go to EMERGENCY if you:

    • have a sudden worsening headache – have unequal pupils
    • are bleeding/clear fluid from ear/nose – slur your speech
    • have convulsions or a seizure – can’t be woken
    • have repeated vomiting (> 2 times)
    • have unsteady gait

    New research is constantly being done, and it is important for all those affected by concussions to find a health care provider who stays current with the literature to give the best care possible.

    All of our Registered Physiotherapists at Maximum by Body ‘n Balance Physio are trained in our concussion program. Call them to schedule a baseline or post-concussion assessment and return to your daily activities free from symptoms. 249-499-4382.

    FAQ Section

    What Are the Symptoms of a Concussion?

    Symptoms of a concussion can vary from person to person, but common signs and symptoms include headache, confusion, loss of balance, nausea or vomiting, blurred vision, sensitivity to light or noise, difficulty concentrating or remembering things, brain fog, and feeling sluggish. It is important to seek medical attention if you experience any of these symptoms and start your brain healing journey. At Maximum by Body ‘n Balance Physio, we offer a wide range of detailed treatment plans for concussions.

    Maximum by Body ‘n Balance Physio

    Address: 1 Huron St #303, Collingwood, ON L9Y 1C3, Canada

    Phone: (705) 444-3600